Andrei Ardentov, Kirill Yefremov, Automatic reparking of the robot trailer along suboptimal paths

Title: Automatic reparking of the robot trailer along suboptimal paths
Authors: Andrei Ardentov, Kirill Yefremov
Journal title: 2021 International Conference "Nonlinearity, Information and Robotics" (NIR)
Year: 2021
Pages: 1-5

A. Ardentov and K. Yefremov, "Automatic reparking of the robot trailer along suboptimal paths," 2021 International Conference "Nonlinearity, Information and Robotics" (NIR), 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/NIR52917.2021.9666086.


The work investigates the experimental problem of reparking trailer for a wheeled robot with a trailer. The geometric model with kinematic constraints leads to the sub-Riemannian problem. We solve this problem via nilpotent approximation. The corresponding solution is close to optimal and locally minimizes the total kinetic energy of the driving wheels. A full-scale model is designed in a way to avoid phase constraints usually appearing in trailer systems. We perform 64 different experiments with reparking trailer and obtain the satisfactory accuracy: for one maneuver we repark the trailer with maximum angle error equal to 4 degrees.