А.А. Аграчев, Инвариантные лагранжевы подмногообразия диссипативных систем

Title: Invariant Lagrange submanifolds of dissipative systems
Authors: A.A. Agrachev
Journal title: Russian Math. Surveys
Year: 2010
Issue: 5
Volume: 65
Pages: 977–978

A. A. Agrachev, “Invariant Lagrangian submanifolds of dissipative systems”, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2010, 65:5, 977–978


We study smooth solutions of modified Hamilton–Jacobi equations H(du/dq , q) + \alpha u(q) = 0, q \in M, on a compact manifold M.

ArXiv ID (ENG): 0912.2248