Title: On the reconstruction of functions by the values of the th differences with step
Authors: S. V. Konyagin, A. Yu. Popov
Journal title: Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Supplementary issues)
Year: 2012
Volume: 277
Pages: 113–120
S. V. Konyagin, A. Yu. Popov, “On the reconstruction of functions by the values of the n" />th differences with step 1/n" />”, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Supplementary issues), 2012, 277, suppl. 1, 113–120
We study the problem of the reconstruction of functions by the values of the n" />th differences with step 1/n" /> taken at the point 0" />. The problem is solved for functions that are analytic in special domains containing the interval [0,1]" />.
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